Friday, October 5, 2007

Make Money Online by Placing Adsense Banners Inbetween Your Blogger Posts

Wanna place in line ads between your blogger posts? If you have never tried this placement, do make a try this for making money online easily. Just follow the instructions below to optimize your site for adsense:


1. Log into your blogspot account.
2. Enter into blog's template tab and hit the Page Elements Link.
3. In the Blog posts section, you can see the edit button. Just press this edit button.

4. Now you ought to tick the box next to Show Ads Between Posts. Even you can optimize- how your ads should appear- either once after every other post or once after every post.
Don't forget to customize the ads and also save the changes you made in the 'Configure Blog Posts' section.

By adding these ads in-between the posts you can earn few more bucks.

Although there are numerous bloggers are using the side bar and top ad placement, most of the bloggers don't about to place the ads in-between posts. Hope this will help you to make money online through Adsense.