So, you have started your make money online blog and checking the adsense account for daily earnings. You might have frustrated to see the results from your adsense earnings. Day long work may fetch you only few dollars (some webmasters are earning few cents also...)
1. I have worked a lot and visited numerous make money online blogs to derive simple five tips to earn money online easily. 1. Start a follow-up e-mail course on "make money online". Don't forget to include your ad with each lesson. Usually people will get your products once they see your ad repeatedly.
2. Don't hesitate to give a percentage of your profits to a noble cause. Usually most of the customers would like to buy your product, if you're actually giving a percentage to a school, charity, environmental improvements, etc. For e.g. You could say, "Our business donates 2% of sales to a trust that concentrates on wildlife conservation".
3. Concentrate to make money online by selling advertising space in your blog/website, on your classified ad site, in your free e-books, in your e-zine, etc. For example, you can specify the price of each space where your customers can place their banners.
4. You can give free web space on your server to the potential customers with a condition of publishing your banner ad in their website hosted in your server. If you gave away 1000 free web pages and received only one click a week off each one, that would be an extra 52000 visitors a year!
5. Most of us want to have simple solution for our complex problems. Tell your customers what problems they have and how your product will win their confidence. For example, you could say, "Aren't you frustrated after using so many creams and medicines to cure acne? Well now you don't have too. Our natural treatment product will bring back a joy in your face forever..."
Just follow these simple steps to promote a product in your website or blog to earn money online without any fuss. Hope you'll start make money online within no time...
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