Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Ping Your Blog: Perfect Way To Get More Search Engine Traffic

Pinging is an act of notifying the search engine server that its content has been updated. You ought to ping as many as you can to get good results. You can easily find out the sites that can do multiple pings at once and they are F.R.E.E.

Pinging is a perfect way to notify the blog search engines that your blog is updated...

Few pinging sites are: -

Pingoat http://pingoat.com

IPings http://ipings.com

Feed Shark http://feedshark.brainbliss.com

Feed Ping Free Website http://www.feedping.com

AutoPinger http://autopinger.com

Ping Your Blog http://pingyourblog.com

Ping-o-matic http://pingomatic.com

Make use of these pinging websites to make money online easily. Once your blog is noticed by the search engines that you're updating regularly, you can earn money online.

1 comment:

LadyFLGuru said...

That is great advice. I never really thought about pinging my blog or any of my sites considering how busy i am. I think i just may set some time aside to work on just that from now on.