Friday, February 8, 2008

Are You Happy With Kontera?

Most of us registered with Kontera even after knowing that average price per click for them isn't what it used to be. When other persons know that you're making $15 per day from a website, they're going to tranform themselves as webmasters at no time, if you know what I mean.

If you find a click that brings in anything over 50 cents, you know it's a very lucky day. It still happens for someday to some webmaster who runs more than 300 pages in a site.

This confirms that they have worked a lot to improve their CTR. I see some of the badly targeted ads on Kontera. If you write about "puppy" in the context of puppy care, the ads are for "shopping for puppies" and the one that really made to laugh: "Bird Flu virus at dealtime", whatever it means.

Though it made me to laugh sometime, I am happy with Kontera. They possess best products today and I am damn sure, you'll also feel comfortable with this program of Contextual advertisement.

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